Friday, July 17, 2009

I was thinking today about all of the different ways to be hot. Right now I am sweaty hot. My clothes are sticking to me where my body and chair touch. The air is still and the temperature is about 90. Even with the fans - until the sun goes down it will just be hot.
There are other hots:
on a lucky streak
out with a good looking guy
red, embarrassed
sauna healthy hot
dressed to kill
something that is liked A LOT
I love words. I like how in English there are so many different ways to say the same thing. Think of the word walk - you can strut, gambol, trudge, skip, slog, prance, amble, stride, step.... you get the idea. Each one gives a different picture.
Like all else in this world how can you think of the beauty of communication and not know that there is a GOD? Our creative words image our creative creator. So with that let me say - goodbye, so long, farewell, tata, see you, later, bye. Get it? :-)

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