Sunday, November 16, 2008


Carol went to the bank on Friday to get some change for her cash box. She had a table at the church craft fair and needed change because we both knew that she would sell some of her "stuff". At the bank she patiently proceeds through the drive thru lane. When her turn arrives to stuff her business in the little tube that whizzes off through a pipe to the bank building she included a note. On the note she said that she would like so many $1, so may $5, so many $10 and so on. She waited and waited and before Christmas actually arrived the tube came whizzing back. She removed the white envelope that held her seed money for her cash box. 
She took the envelope and was about to tuck it into her purse before driving off when it hit her that it felt a bit thin. She peaked inside and there was a couple of $50 bills. She rolls down her window, removes the tube, and puts the envelope inside. She also pushes the button that will allow her to communicate with the indoor teller. She tells the teller that she has sent back the money and wondered if her the teller had seen her note about the kinds of bills she wanted. The teller replied in the affirmative and went on to comment that she did not really think that Carol wanted all of those different quantities and denominations. After a deep breath Carol assured her that what she had written on the note was really what she wanted. She then asked the teller once again to exchange the 50's for the other denominations. It took a few minutes but the teller did do what Carol asked. 
After Carol told me the story we looked at each other and said, " That's so Gallup!" Why is it that other people assume they know what we want and what is good for us? Service is not a word that the businesses in town actually know the meaning of and yet then we get people who serve by assumption.  Sometime come and visit and when Carol and I look at each other and say "That's so Gallup!" you will know exactly what we mean. 

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Bicycle Built For......

I am now the proud of a new bicycle. I did a lot of research and talked to many "biker" friends before I took the plunge and did it. Nothing in this world is easy though. The bike is a wonderful mix of old and new. The color is that of champagne and it has coaster brakes, three speeds, and a very sturdy frame. The problem lay in the seat. The clamp kept loosening and the seat fell every time I so much as hit a dip in the road. 
I am a larger woman. This seat falling thing was not only making it difficult to ride my new bike but was also making my self image plummet as well. Friends would look at it and do some adjusting and I would ride and be fine for a day and the problem would begin again. Down would fall my seat. In my mind I thought that I am trying so hard to exercise and because I am so big I cannot even do something fun like ride a bike. 
Then entered my esteemed neighbor and friend Jim. He worked magic by putting a new pipe into the seat slot so the seat rests on the pole and cannot simply slide down into the shaft. He came over early on a Saturday morning without even saying he was there. He had solved the problem for me and came and put it into action. This not only lifted my seat but my feeling of self worth. Now, even though i am large my seat no longer slides down into the shaft. Now, even though I am a large woman I know longer feel that I am a failure as a bike rider. The pipe solved the problem but really friendship did.