On the blacktop area I saw an empty and discarded juice carton. I am sure that it was tossed by a child wanting to play without a stop at the trash bin. Several other kids walked passed the carton without seeing it. Then came a couple of boys who treated it like a hockey puck and played with it a few moments before putting it back near to the place they had first encountered it. More kids passed the carton as they answered the call of the bell to come in. More kicking, stepping on and avoiding the carton.
Finally the playground was quiet and deserted and there sat the carton. I was about to turn away and hit the bathroom before teaching when I saw some moms come towards the door of the school. One of them stopped and looked at the carton but continued walking while shaking her head. Than another mom came and with a quick flick of the side of her shoe got the carton out of her path.
There sat the carton alone and deserted, dirtying up the look of the area. The trash can stood about ten feet away. How often do I ignore a simple thing like picking up a piece of trash or giving a person a smile or listening ear? God gave us charge of this world. We have to be faithful in little things so that we can better handle bigger things. What are we teaching the children?