Saturday, October 18, 2008

Taking a Fall

I fell today. Now I sit here with ice on my knee hoping that the swelling will go down soon. The fall proved once again what a klutz I am. It happened at church. I have been at church a lot this week.  To raise money for our building fund we held a rummage sale. Since it was partially my idea I helped - a lot. 
It was fun. I love talking people into buying things that they really don't need but in their heart of hearts really want. There was a lot of stuff that got new homes today. While we were cleaning up I took a load of boxes to the dumpster. On my way back across the parking lot I tripped over a stone or my foot or something that might not have even been there. While I was catching my balance my foot found the curb and the expectation of catching my balance was no longer an option. I fell and I fell hard. Now I have a swollen knee and lovely black and blue marks. 
Life contains falls - falls of many different kinds. A physical fall can slow us down. An emotional fall can bring us to a screeching stop. I find that taking a hold of a stretched out helping hand is the first step to getting up.  Getting up is the hardest part.  Once I began to move I felt a bit better - sore and ouchy but moving forward. Life does not stop when a fall occurs.  It is how we react that matters. Personally I feel that I have to do what the old song says (after crying a little) that I have to " pick myself up, brush my self off and start all over again " in this case with a little bit of a limp. 

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