Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Falling In

There are so many things that remind me that summer is ending and fall beginning. The crisp cool nights which make me pull my comforter up to my chin. The tangy smell of roasting green chilis in the air at all the area grocery stores. Football begins at the local high schools, colleges, and professionally. The monsoons are tapering off but still manage to surprise with sudden rain bursts on an otherwise very sunny day. 
School has begun. All of a sudden my life goes from projects at home to grading math papers, writing lesson plans, attending meetings and building relationship with my students. I enjoy my job and the kids. I must admit that I am not always so fond of all the extraneous things that my job involves. I am blessed to be working with a fantastic staff and have the support of a couple very extraordinary principals. An aspect I love is how the sameness of each day is different. I love looking for the special moment in each day. I challenge you to try it. The moment may be the sighting of a special bird, a student finally understanding the difference between ones, tens and hundreds, or a good story told in the staff lounge. If you look hard enough they are there. Please look for yourself. 

1 comment:

GrammE said...

Having you for a friend makes every day special for me! EK